Friday, 15 April 2016

Junior Syndicate Magical Mystery Tour

On Friday the 15th April the Junior Syndicate went on a
Magical Mystery Tour
visiting the places in our community that are special.
First we visited the Kaiteriteri Playground.

We then carried on our journey to the Kumaras, enjoying a stroll along the coastline.


Oh no at Goodman Park it seemed that the ducks had already been fed.
Even hiding did not seem to bring the ducks closer.

Lunch time! Our tummies were rumbling so next stop Decks Reserve.
Lunch underneath the cherry trees at Kiyosato Gardens...
and then a play at the Decks Reserve Playground.


After lunch we boarded the school bus and went on a short ride past our favourite shop
The Warehouse and of course Mc Donalds.
To end the day we visited the Motueka Library where Sue one of our favourite librarians shared some books with us. We had  time to browse and read and then it was time to go back to school.

We had a fantastic time visiting places that are special to us.
Thank you very much to all the parents who were able to share this wonderful outing with us, we couldn't do it without you.
Happy Holidays Team!

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Places That are Important To Me

Thank you Mums and Dads.
Four postcards  have been received already from friends and family around New Zealand and the World!!!
Milan, Petra, Katelyn and Kaleb are very excited.
Keep them coming.

Today a newsletter has come home requesting photos for our unit. It would be appreciated if you could bring to school a photo of your:
a special place where you like to play
a photo from a holiday you have been on with your family.

Thank you very much. 

P.S. There will be another newsletter coming home later in the week

Friday, 1 April 2016

Easter Hunt

We had an Easter hunt at school today.  We had to find clues around the school, each clue told us to run to another place to find another clue.  At the end we were rewarded with a chocolate egg.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter.

A big thank you to Kate, Charlotte, Sophia and Stevie for designing an Easter Hunt for Te Ara Wha.
Thank you Madison and Starsha for helping out on the day.

Lets Discover Muscles

We looked closely at muscles during discovery time.  First we saw the muscle shell opening and closing as it filtered water. The shell closes tight when the tide is out so that some water is trapped inside and the shellfish stays wet.

We steamed the muscles open and found the muscles lips, mouth and the large muscles inside that open and shut the shell. We were fascinated  when we found the poo tube and its bottom.

We looked closely at the muscle shell and drew the shell, we gave each other feedback and repeated the process several times. The difference between our first and final observational drawings was amazing.  We are so much better at looking carefully and drawing what we see.

Timetable Change

Room Four are looking forward to the timetable change next week. We have spoken about the need to bring along some healthy snacks, (brain f...