We have spoken about the need to bring along some healthy snacks, (brain food) for our 5 minute 'Read and Feed' session such as the suggestions made here.

We tried yesterday to access the new storybook website we will be using at 'Read and Feed' time but unfortunately technology let us down.
Oh well we have time to iron out our techie difficulties and look forward to Monday.
Out new Timetable looks like this:
9 am -10 am Learning session 1
10am - 10:10 'Read and Feed'
Brain breaks will be approximately 5-10 minutes long. Time for an easy to eat, nourishing snack and to listen to a story.
10:10am 11:00am Learning session one continued
11am- 11:30 Morning Tea/Playtime
11:30 - 1pm- Learning session 2
1pm - 1:45pm Lunch
1:45 - 3pm- Learning Session 3
11:30 - 1pm- Learning session 2
1pm - 1:45pm Lunch
1:45 - 3pm- Learning Session 3
Exciting times ahead!
More information on our website home page or on facebook.