Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Medals by Jordan

We got some clay and made a medal desgin. 
My one has a motorbike on it because I like riding motorbikes. 
I enjoyed making  these medals because it was fun and enjoyable. 
We put a pen in it so we can put ribbon though the hole.
I am going to paint it bronze. 

By Jordan.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Quinntons Olympic Medal Making

Olympic medals

Quinnton enjoyed making his olympic medal. In class he made made it out of clay. He put patterns in it using a stencil.He put the stencil on his round bit of clay and pushed it down to make the shape of a dinosaur.  He also has a motorbike on it. He used a stencil for this too. On his first medal he coated his medal in this stuff called plaster of paris and he waited for it to set then he pulled it out and he had a medal but he has not added the plaster to his second one yet.

By Quinton supported by Bryce and Liam

Caleb Pickett's medal table

I got 1 gold medal and I got 1 silver medal  and also got 1 bronze medal. In total I got 3 medals.
I enjoyed the activities they were really fun. My favourite one was the  table tennis activity.
  It was fun!

Olympic Day! - with Katelyn

We made medals. I did a tree, star and a square pattern as well. Yesterday we also put plaster of paris in our medals. Today we started making our real medals and Maria is going to get us gold, silver and bronze paint to make them look real. On Friday we did an Olympics Day with the whole school. The thing I enjoyed the most was the badminton, and I saw photos of us in the paper today. It was really fun. I also really enjoyed playing table tennis with the people in my group and I also liked playing the soccer.

It was a really fun day and I got silver and bronze medals!



This week we have been learning about clay medals. We created some and we are going spray paint them and make them pretty and colourful.
We had to make them the shape of circle, we put pretty patterns on them. 
we made some olympic graphs.

By Petra and Ava.

Olympic medals

We used clay to make these olympic medals. We also used some materials in our classroom to make them. I like making the medals because we can customise them. We made the medals so they look like ones from the olympics. We made to be like Olympic medals.
When we customise the medal we put on anything we like. "I put some great marks on mine" - said Sam.

Kayden's Olympics

On Friday 19th August our whole school went to the Recreation Centre for our own school Olympic day. I liked playing all of the sports. I like my medals. I got 2 medals or friendship a silver and a bronze. I had lots of fun.

By Kayden 


Olympic day at the rec center

On Friday we went to the Recreation Centre for an olympic day. I was in the grey team, Charlie wore our cloak.
There were lots of games like horse riding, volley ball and soccer but my favourite was gymnastics.
In gymnastics we ran around to music and tried to get in the hoop it was fun.
I won a gold medal yay!

Martha's fun week

This week in room 4 we have been making medals out of clay. It was fun.
In the Olympic day at the rec centre, I got a gold medal.
I liked all of the activities at the Olympic day.
We glued gold, silver and bronze medals into our books.

By Martha 

Medal made by Zoe

We made medals. I put a horse on mine  it looks beautiful.
I put a Z on mine we had to put a pen in it . The hole the pen made will be for the ribbon.
I'm going to spraypaint it silver.

Olympic day

Last Friday the whole school went to the recreation centre and had an olympic day. My favourite activity was the gymnastics because it was fun and I liked playing with the ribbon. I won two bronze medals for friendship and respect.  
-By Dylan Morris Krammer. :)

Kaleb's Olympics day

On Friday Brooklyn school had an Olympics day at the recreation centre.
I was in team blue for the day.
I won 1gold,
1 silver,
1bronze and my team leader was Liligail she was a good leader.
Overall it was a great day and I really enjoyed it.

Kaleb J

Friday, 19 August 2016

Brooklyn Olympic Day

Wow what an amazing Brooklyn Olympic Day.  

10 different Olympic Sports.

10 coloured themed teams.

10 Kakahu- cloaks,  on 10 fantastic and supportive Year 7 and 8 leaders.

300 + gold, silver and bronze medals given out for the Olympic Values; 
friendship, respect and excellence.

....  to all the teachers, teacher aides and and parents who helped make this day a huge success...


Shark Dissection- Mr de Hamel

Mr Richard de Hamel very kindly visited Brooklyn School 
and dissected a shark. 

Room Four wrote some stories about their experience.

Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

We cut open a shark with Mr de Hamel.
We cut its tummy.  We saw the guts. We saw the liver.
We saw its poos.  We cut its eye ball.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut open a shark. We saw the heart and the eyeball was sticky. The liver was dotty and the shark had eaten two sea worms because they were still in the tummy. It had parasites. We saw the eye’s the eyes were big we also saw it’s poop. It ate crabs and shells as well. I felt good and Maria said, “She saw me get more and more interested as we went on.”


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut open a dogfish.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel
Mr de Hamel cut the fish open we touched the skin it felt hard and soft.
My de Hamel touched the diddle, the fish had two diddles it was a bone. We saw the poos and the shark had eaten sea worms. We saw the heart.
I didn’t like looking at it made me feel funny.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut the dogfish shark open. It felt dry.
I saw its heart.


Shark Dissection with Mr De Hamel

Mr De Hamel cut open the shark.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

On Friday we saw a shark and Mr de Hamel cut it open and we saw its brain and the poo.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut open a shark. We saw a heart. We also saw cartilage.  Mr de Hamel cut out the eyes of the shark. Then he cut the body up and then he cut the live rout. We got to see the cartilage and the brain cavity. I lifted the shark up when it was all cut up.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel  came and bought a shark and Mr. de Hamel cut the shark open we saw the brain and it’s head it was hard. We saw it’s diddle.


Shark Dissection with Mr. de Hamel

We saw a dog shark yesterday. We saw it get opened with his scissors. We saw its liver too. We saw its food, its food was worms. I felt grossed out.


Shark Dissection with Mr. de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut a shark open we saw its brain we saw its liver and we saw its tummy. It ate worms.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut the shark open and I saw the heart. I did not touch it.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel taught us about a shark. We saw the eyes and the brain and we touched the heart and it was disgusting and the shark had worms in him.  We got to see his diddle and his skin was hard and soft. I liked the shark.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

I went to look at a shark it was cool. It was amazing. It ate worms. I don’t eat worms. I did look at it at school.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel
Mr de Hamel let us touch the shark.


Shark Dissection- Mr de Hamel

Mr Richard de Hamel very kindly visited Brooklyn School 
and dissected a shark. 

Room Four wrote some stories about their experience.

Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

We cut open a shark with Mr de Hamel.
We cut its tummy.  We saw the guts. We saw the liver.
We saw its poos.  We cut its eye ball.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut open a shark. We saw the heart and the eyeball was sticky. The liver was dotty and the shark had eaten two sea worms because they were still in the tummy. It had parasites. We saw the eye’s the eyes were big we also saw it’s poop. It ate crabs and shells as well. I felt good and Maria said, “She saw me get more and more interested as we went on.”


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut open a dogfish.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel
Mr de Hamel cut the fish open we touched the skin it felt hard and soft.
My de Hamel touched the diddle, the fish had two diddles it was a bone. We saw the poos and the shark had eaten sea worms. We saw the heart.
I didn’t like looking at it made me feel funny.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut the dogfish shark open. It felt dry.
I saw its heart.


Shark Dissection with Mr De Hamel

Mr De Hamel cut open the shark.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

On Friday we saw a shark and Mr de Hamel cut it open and we saw its brain and the poo.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut open a shark. We saw a heart. We also saw cartilage.  Mr de Hamel cut out the eyes of the shark. Then he cut the body up and then he cut the live rout. We got to see the cartilage and the brain cavity. I lifted the shark up when it was all cut up.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel  came and bought a shark and Mr. de Hamel cut the shark open we saw the brain and it’s head it was hard. We saw it’s diddle.


Shark Dissection with Mr. de Hamel

We saw a dog shark yesterday. We saw it get opened with his scissors. We saw its liver too. We saw its food, its food was worms. I felt grossed out.


Shark Dissection with Mr. de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut a shark open we saw its brain we saw its liver and we saw its tummy. It ate worms.


 Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel cut the shark open and I saw the heart. I did not touch it.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

Mr de Hamel taught us about a shark. We saw the eyes and the brain and we touched the heart and it was disgusting ad the shark had worms in him.  We got to see his diddle and his skin was hard and soft. I liked the shark.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel

I went to look at a shark it was cool. It was amazing. It ate worms. I don’t eat worms. I did look at it at school.


Shark Dissection with Mr de Hamel
Mr de Hamel let us touch the shark.


Thursday, 11 August 2016


On MondayWe have made our own olympic medals in class 
we used paper a pencil and jovies, as well as coloured pencils. 
First we drew the circles with a pencil, then we coloured them in neatly. 
I am looking forward to them being finished.
In the Olympics games 1st gets a gold medal 2nd gets silver and 3rd gets bronze 



Wednesday, 10 August 2016

My week

Gnarleys Art

by Gnarley 

I made olympic torches and then I wrote about it.  First I got a big piece of paper and then I rolled it into a cone shape.  And then I put cellotape on it.  Then I painted it green and yellow and blue and red.  We put red cellophane on it for the fire.  We then let it dry and I took mine home.

Summary of the Olympics

This week we have been learning about the Olympic games.
I drew an awesome Olympic picture and I'm really proud of it. 
We were also learning about the Olympic torch.
I know that the Olympic torch gets passed around the world. 
One day I hope to carry the Olympic torch. In the olympics there are 28 sports and 10500 athletes. 

By Ava.

Our learning by Kayden and Sam

                                       Olympic Torches

Room 4 has learning about the Olympics and we made some Olympic torches.
An olympic torch is a torch that has a flame that never goes out . To light a Olympic torch they get a mirror to reflect the sun to create fire that lights the torch. They take the torch all around Brazil and pass the flame on to the next athlete. We got paper we made stripes on them painted it, then we put red cellophane on it, to look like a flame.


I've been doing handwriting this week in class, and I have also been doing reading.
When I went to lunch and ate all of my food and then played tag with my friends Quinnton and Sam. I was very fast and I didn't get tagged. Then I went back to class and sat down on the mat and listened to my teacher she told us to go to our desks and do writing we got to write about anything we wanted. I wrote about dinosaurs they fought each other and the T-rex won.

Olympic Torch

Olympic Torch

In room 4 we made Olympic Torches we painted them blue,yellow and green.We rolled them up into a cone and put masking tape on it to hold it in place.We glued some cellophane inside them .

By Zoe

Medal Art

We designed some medals on paper we put Olympic design's on them. Yesterday we marked them into clay. 
Then we dried them by putting them on a table outside. My one has some squares on the outside. 
It has a fern in the middle that stands for New Zealand. 
By Katelyn.

Olympic Torch

Olympic Torch

In room 4 we made Olympic Torches we painted them blue,yellow and green.We rolled them up into a cone and put masking tape on it to hold it in place.We glued some cellerfane inside them .

By zoe
In Room 4 we are making torches for the Olympics.
We used cardboard and paper to make the Olympic torches

Timetable Change

Room Four are looking forward to the timetable change next week. We have spoken about the need to bring along some healthy snacks, (brain f...