Sunday, 18 February 2018

Meet the Teacher

2018/images.png Room Four

Teacher: Maria Ansell-Burnett
Classroom Release Teacher: Darrin Andrews
Teacher Aide: Tracy Greenwood
Reading Recovery Teacher: Annie Simmons
Class: Year Two /Three                     
My school email address is:

Classroom Timetable: a current copy of the class timetable will be on display inside the class room.  This timetable is constantly evolving each term to take into consideration specialist teaching opportunities and subjects on offer like swimming in the summer months.
Copies of stationery requirements and newsletters are also kept in this area.
Please remember as a school we are going paperless with newsletters.  All newsletters will be available on our school blog which is also going to have a face lift.  If you would like the newsletter emailed to you or require a paper copy please contact Josie to arrange this.

Reading: Students will bring home one or two readers/library books/class books to share each night.  It will not necessarily be the book they have read with the teacher that day, they will be titles the child has chosen to share. Please write in the titles you read each night, sign and return the notebook and books each day to your child’s individual browsing box.
I have included a handout of the reading strategies we encourage your child to use when reading at school. I would encourage you to use these at home as well.  Library day is Friday.

Browsing Boxes:  Browsing boxes contain books your child has read.  We encourage your child to bring favourite titles from home to keep in their browsing box.

Spelling:  During class we will be extending and consolidating our alphabet knowledge, blends and word chunk knowledge. We are continuing to learn how to stretch words out carefully listening to the sounds we hear when writing and spelling.
Spelling will come home every week. Words are sourced from the essential spelling lists, the children’s writing and the ‘Steps to Literacy’ Programme. Please learn the words and practise writing and making the words. Playdough, magnetic letters, stencils, paint, biscuit dough, mud, sand are all great ways to help ensure that learning is secured in long term memory. (This type of activity helps our kinaesthetic learners who find this type of learning difficult.)
Our spelling aims to build a secure foundation. 

Handwriting:  Please find attached a photocopy of the correct way children should write and form their letters at school.  It is very important that the children learn at this age where to start writing each letter from. Most letters we start writing from the top or we circle back anti clockwise (there are exceptions).
We have promoted the use of triangular pencils and pens in Room 4 which encourage correct pencil grip.

Maths:  All children are learning at different stages. I have put up a display for parents in the classroom so that you can see the types of math knowledge and the strategies they are learning at each stage.  The Year 2 and 3 mathematics has a weighting, we spend 80% of our time on numeracy (number, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and 20% strand maths (measurement, geometry, statistics).

Swimming:  Please bring your swimming togs and towel every day.  We are timetabled to go swimming in the afternoon. Can your child please bring a note of explanation if they are not swimming.
Swim for Life swimming lessons will take place during February.  These are very worthwhile with qualified swimming instructors taking the lessons.

Assembly: Friday 2:30 pm in the school hall, all parents, grandparents, and friends are welcome.

Stationery: During the year your child will require additional stationery. The procedure at Brooklyn is for your child to receive the stationery from the office and then Josie or Luisa send home a notice asking for the money to be sent to school.

Brooklyn Hats/ Sunglasses/ Sunscreen: All children are expected to wear a Brooklyn Sunhat at play and lunch times. If your child has misplaced or lost their hat, a replacement can be purchased from the school office.
It is strongly recommended that all students wear sunglasses during break times.  Please clearly name all hats and sunglasses. These items can be kept in your child’s desk at the end of the day or taken home.
Please apply sunscreen at home. 

Reports: As required by the Ministry of Education we have a cycle of anniversary reporting in Years 1, 2 and 3.  This means that your child receives a written school report after 6 months, 1 year, 18 months, 2 years, 2 ½ years and 3 years.  These reports come out at the end of the term. They are followed up by a teacher conference.

Clothing: Please ensure that all clothing is named. If your child has misplaced an item the first place to look is the lost property box that is situated outside the hall.  Lost property is put out on display at the end of the month and any that is not claimed is given away to charity. Any named items found will be returned to the family.

Any other questions please do not hesitate to ask or contact me.

Timetable Change

Room Four are looking forward to the timetable change next week. We have spoken about the need to bring along some healthy snacks, (brain f...