Teacher: Maria Ansell-Burnett
Classroom Release Teacher: Darrin Andrews
Teacher Aide: Tracy
Reading Recovery Teacher: Annie Simmons
Class: Year Two /Three
Maria’s school email address is: maria@brooklyn.school.nz
I hope you have all had a lovely summer
holiday and have made lots of special memories.
Our school
theme this year is
‘Growing Together’,
Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua
Care for the land, care for people, go forward.
This theme will weave into our curriculum and
programmes this year.
The Room Four Team: this year we will have Tracy Greenwood working in our
classroom daily delivering specialised programmes and assisting in the classroom.
Annie Simmons is the Reading Recovery Teacher
and will be taking 2 children into this programme during Term 1. Annie works out of the ‘Beehive’ which is the
building directly behind Room Four. If
your child is selected to be on this programme Annie will be in direct contact
with you.
Darrin Andrews is our classroom release
teacher. Each teacher is entitled to
non-contact hours each term and when this happens Darrin will teach Room Four.
I am always happy to meet with parents before
or after school. Please let me know if you need to speak to me before hand as
we have weekly staff and syndicate meetings and other school commitments to fit
I can be contacted on email: maria@brooklyn.school.nz.
Please update Josie at the office with your contact
details as some emails and cell phone numbers are missing or outdated.
Stationery: personalised stationery orders
will be issued to your child on the first day of school.
If you have
any stationery at home please return this to school for use this year,
especially study bags and word book dictionaries which are costly to replace.
can be bought from the school office. Please send payment or organise with
Josie for the stationery costs to go on your school account.
Pencils are
triangular in shape to aide pencil grip.
All children in Room 4 use this type of pencil. All pencils, rubbers,
white board pens etc, are kept by the teacher and given out on a needs basis.
Please do not name these items.
The Reading
Notebook and Homework Book can be personalised by each child. You can cover
them, glue on photos or art work. All
other books will be covered with book covers purchased from the school to
create a visual distinction for the children between books.
I would
appreciate all children having all stationery items from the beginning of week.
Thank you.
smart: Brooklyn
Hats are to be worn at all times during the summer terms. Hats that have been left at school over the
holidays have all been washed. Sunglasses are strongly recommended to be worn
in the playground. Please name or personalise your belongings so that your
child can recognise them instantly.
Sun screen
is available to apply at school in the classroom.
Swimming: please bring your togs and towel to
school every day. If you are not
swimming please bring a note. Our class swimming time is 1:30 pm. On a Thursday
this time changes to 2.00pm to fit in with our sports session.
for Life Swimming Lessons: this is an excellent programme where trained swimming instructors come
into our school giving classes ½ hour swimming lessons. Costs for this swimming
programme will be met by the school this year.
Lessons will take place from the 19th February.
Reading: every night your child will bring home one or
two books to share. Reading at home
reinforces the guided reading lessons your child receives at school.
write the titles of the books you read in your notebook each night. Notes of encouragement, stickers and stamps; feel
free to comment and positively reinforce your child’s reading progress.
Please look
after and respect our books by keeping them in the study bag so that damp togs and towels do not affect
Library: your child will visit the library
on a Friday. They will get out a total
of four books, two books to keep in their browsing box for in class reading and
two to take home and share.
books are issued for two weeks
Topic: we will
be discussing possibilities for a class name, a name that reflects our school
theme. Growing Together
What do you
think would be a great name for Room 4 this year? As a family discuss this
theme and bring along and share any thinking with the class. Thank you
Do you have
any small (around 10 cm) terracotta pots at home that we could re-use for our
visual art and topic?
Have you
got any spare for other children to use? If you have, please bring them along
to school.
Homework: Can you please write into your child’s Word
Book Dictionary the names of family members, cousins, friends (especially those
with unusual spellings) and places that your child may visit and write about in
their stories. Thank you.
Wishing you
all a happy and fun filled term where great learning takes place.